Our Motto: Formation for Transformation





Courses Offered


Federated Faculty for Research in Religion and Culture

Programmes & Events

Application Forms & Fees Structure

Class Room Lectures 

Every paper has class room lectures and assignments teacher deliver the important portion of the papers based on university prescribed syllabus. Classes on every Monday to Friday started at 8.30. Student’s attendance must all the classes.

Medium of instruction

Courses upto BD level is offered both in Malayalam medium and English medium.

Course works

Prescribed course work should be done for every paper. All the collage paper 40% marks for internal assessment and 60% for written Examination. Project work field visits. Reading Reports all there our parts of course work.

Seminar &Presentation

Every student or group of student’s present seminar paper for every subject based on syllabus. It increase the reading and communication skills of the students after the presentation any student can ask Questions and clear doubts. General seminar and arranged by various organizations in the seminary. Recent issues discuss under the leadership of eminent personalities outside the seminary.

Multimedia Presentation

Multimedia Presentation for various seminars and some classes. There is a communication department functioning in the seminary.

Individual& Group based development activities

Arts and Sports, literary workshops etc.. Help for individual developments and fellowship groups under the faculties students gathered together with their families.

Field Work

There is a field work for some papers. Student’s visits certain areas related to the topic and they collect data or observations. It is helpful for students to understand and study the subject deeply and contact the public.

Friday Practical Work

Practical work for every Friday 4 pm to 7 pm in various organizations, hospitals, boy and girls homes, old age home etc. It will help the student to get more awareness about their ministry. Friday practical work report should be given to the in charge of practical work, every Monday before 5 pm.

Sunday Practical Work

Song practice conducted on every Tuesday 4 pm in the chapel. Song practice helps the students to learn new songs and used new songs in the worship.

Parish Mission

Parish mission held in various dioceses, every year in the time Onam vacation. Seminary authorities divided the students in different group under the leadership of the faculty. They stay in a church and organize various programs. They conducted prayers, worship, skits, deliver message and various awareness programs. Parish mission program helps the students to understand different cultures, tradition, worship patterns and the socio economic conditions of the people in the church.

Study tour 

Every year there is a study for final year students and every classes related to various subjects.

Sermon class

Sermon Class Conducted by final year students for their practical training.


Two types of examination a) College Exam b) Senate Exam.


Thesis Proposal given in the beginning of the third year. A study set B grade (57.5%) above can be unto thesis. Thesis can be unte either in English or in Malayalam. It is doing under the guidance of a faculty member and it is a serious study. It is complete with in prescribed time. If any student did not wrote thesis must do the extra papers. It is inform to the registrar in the beginning of the first semester.